Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Foot Loose!

I've been a terrible blogger. For the last month, I've been getting ready for my third foot surgery. My operation was last week at the lovely St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Boston, and after I was discharged, my darling sister took care of me for a couple of days, and then my other sister brought me back to Cape Cod on Friday.

I wish I could say I've been using my time well, but I'm afraid I haven't done much of anything but watch mindless television shows (bad) and reading wonderful, inspirational blogs (good).

There are so many generous bloggers who provide fabulous tutorials, and I'm dying to make things, but I'm just not up to maneuvering my walker. So, for now, no sewing machine foot -- just my left one!

1 comment:

You're so SWEET to leave a message;
Thanks, with zucchero (sugar) on top!

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